August 15th-18th, 2024


Join Kyera & Jenny for a spiritually rich experience like no other!

"Prior to the retreat, I started marketing a workshop which I scheduled to offer after the retreat. By the time the workshop came, I had grown so much that I barely resonated with the workshop topic. Kyera is the most generous coach I have ever worked with. I felt so loved, seen, and supported by her. Kyera said there would be “life before the Tennessee retreat and life after the Tennessee retreat.” This could not have been truer for me. The retreat was magical!" Deb B. 

Amber A.

Tulum 2023 was the best week of my life to date! I came to this retreat looking to heal the feminine within. I released resistance every day. I was held in the most magical ways. I opened my heart and practiced receiving. I used my voice to ask for what I needed and wanted and it was given every time. I walked through a portal and shed a previous version of me. I danced again, laughed so hard, and I loved from the place of vulnerable strength. I was held in the hands of sisterhood. I trust again. I love you Kyera! 

Cara A.

This retreat was the most transformational experience of my life! Each of us were held with fierce love and massive expansion was the result. I feel SAFE again in my body! In my life! It’s safe for me to be here and be seen and show up so strongly and take up space! I learned how to graciously receive and accept support in all ways. I reconnected with the part of me that loves to express herself and have so much silly fun. I am alive again and ready to soar. No words could fully express the gratitude I feel after this retreat except that I’m obviously in for Tulum 2024!

August 15th - August 18th, 2024

The Edge Experience

Join us in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, at a private lodge with breathtaking panoramic views of the mountains and downtown Gatlinburg! 

Nothing holds more power than a willingness to meet your next edge! 

it's time to trust your intuition, come to the edge and transform


What's included:

Retreat at a private Lodge, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks), a professional mini-brand shoot and 5 professionally edited photos, mentorship, and an intimate proximity experience with Kyera and Jenny.

Your retreat includes:
  • VIP Mentorship ($30K+ value) — You'll receive Kyera and Jenny's energy, mentorship, expertise, and Kyera's psychic channel throughout your retreat.
  • Accommodation — 3 transformational nights in a private lodge with breathtaking views! 
  • Meals — breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks with our private, in-house chef using fresh, local ingredients. 
  • Healing, Activations, Mentorship & More
  • Connection, Conscious Community, Transformation, Expansion
  • Breakout sessions are tailored to the unique energy and needs of the collective that will make up this powerful experience, and more! This isn't just a retreat; it's a divine journey where trust leads the way.  


August 15th, 2024 - August 18th, 2024 

Nothing holds more power than YOU set free.

Welcome to a spiritually rich experience that will transform your life!

  • We will begin our retreat with a powerful opening ceremony led by Kyera (her psychic channel and Guides). 
  • Experience powerful group sessions. 
  • Healing work. "You will come to Tennessee one way and leave another."
  • Your Naked Truth: step into your power and purpose, unleash your confidence and self-expression for higher levels of success.
  • Experience the luxury and wealth codes of having a private chef (and the divine masculine serving you).
  • Create lasting connections and so much more! 

Choose Your "Edge" Experience



$4,444 USD

  • August 15th check-in: checkout August 18th, 2024
  • Shared sisterhood room experience 
  • payment plan available upon request 


$5,555 USD

  • August 15th check-in: checkout August 18th, 2024
  • King Private Room & Private Ensuite Bathroom
  • payment plan available upon request 



  • August 14th check-in: August 18th checkout
  • VIP dinner with Kyera & Jenny
  • VIP breakfast on the 15th and an intimate group session with Kyera & Jenny
  • 1:1 Strengths Analysis & mentorship session with Jenny before the retreat
A love note from your mentor

Kyera Kacey


Welcome to your next edge in life, business, and beyond! 

If you're called to this experience, buckle up. You are not leaving this retreat the same way you came! 

You will arrive in Tennessee one way, and you will leave another: more liberated, more certain, more confident, more self-expressed, and ready to put yourself out there in a more significant way with your next steps in place! 

My work is powerful, transformational, and unconventional!

I can't wait to create fucking MAGIC with you! 

We will heal, create, laugh, and transform together. 

I love you! 

xx Kyera Kacey

"Queen of the House"

Jenny Bitner


Jenny supports high-impact entrepreneurs through her hybrid academy-agency, Magnetism & Media. She's taken 3 companies from concept to cash flow 0-6 figures! 

She studies spiritual ministry, is a frequency facilitator, has studied as an Instructor at the Think and Grow Rich Institute, and is referred to as "the house mom." Jenny's energy is like receiving the BEST hug! But don't get it twisted; Jenny is a force! 

She's also a keynote speaker, VIP event concierge, and successful entrepreneur (she's built an ecosystem of highly niched audience from scratch to 12,000 in just 9 months), and she's a proud mama!

Get ready to experience her wisdom, expertise, and mind miracles! 

The weekend retreat was nothing like I ever experienced!

Jumping into an opportunity to say yes to me, and my journey in self development, healing and growth was an no brainer. Was it scary, YES, but I was also MORE excited than anything else! I was excited in taking a chance to continue to expand my awareness and be in close proximity to an amazing individual that is very heart centered. The weekend retreat was like nothing I ever experienced and yet it felt very familiar, loving, supportive, powerful, divine, magical and more. I will forever be grateful for the powerfully sacred space created in our TN retreat. The sister tribal energy felt very aligned and sacred. It allowed me to open up to a new level of trust, creation, magic, sacred frequency, and more! Thank you so much for this heart-centered creation and ascending, energetic fun codes.

Diana M - Tennessee retreat

Everything I needed and everything I didn’t know I needed!

Kyera is incredible, and the retreat with her was everything I needed and everything I didn’t know I needed! I expanded in so many ways – with health, wealth, spirituality, and relationships with everyone around me! I am so incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to attend, and I am so excited to be attending the next one!

Katie Weldon - Ireland retreat

There is no substitute for being held & feeling seen with Kyera.

There is no substitute for being held and feeling seen with Kyera and all the incredibly unique and powerful women who came. I got to witness the beauty of women, sisterhood, service. The beauty of true masculine and the femme. The beauty of pleasure, truth, and trust. And I didn't just get to bear witness to it, I got to receive it. This was a space of remembrance, that's it all part of who we 'be'. The energetic hands holding each other exactly how we needed, and each spoken "I love you" will resonate in my soul forever and carry into every interaction to come.

Donna M. - Tulum Retreat

Kyera held more than space but a mirror of who I am

Kyera held more than space but a mirror of who I am. I’ve been in denial all my dang life of how powerful I am. It is comforting to hear it from someone who holds that fire of recognition, and I didn’t need to be afraid of it. I didn’t reincarnate here to be small; my mission is big despite my stature. Tennessee catalyzed owning my fire!

Abbie - Tennessee retreat

Frequently Asked Questions

The space Kyera holds is truly masterful. I’ve already signed up to be there next year!

The healing and integration during the Tulum Retreat was exactly what my heart and soul needed! I left feeling incredibly nourished, reconnected to myself, and fully expressed in a group of women who saw me for me. The space Kyera holds is truly masterful. We navigated emotions and breakthroughs for everyone. We leaned up against our edges, led with our hearts, and a group of women who never met before left as a sisterhood. This was a trip I will remember for a lifetime! 


The Ireland Retreat with Kyera was one of the best things I did for myself all year! The sisterhood, the adventures, spiritual experiences, the beauty – everything was absolutely amazing, and it made it extra special to travel there with Kyera since she knows the area so well. I’ve already signed up to be there next year with Kyera – her energy makes it irreplaceable!

Lily Mockerman | Ireland & Tulum Retreat Attendee 

This retreat filled all the buckets!

Reflecting on the Tennessee retreat leaves me grappling for words to capture the profound essence of my experience. It was a weekend that transcended mere description, a journey into the depths of sisterhood, magic, and self-discovery. From the outset, there was a sense of kinship and belonging among the participants, fostering an environment of trust and openness. It was within this safe space that I began to unravel layers of pent-up emotions, releasing not only anger but also judgment I had held against myself for far too long. Through the supportive guidance of the retreat, I found liberation and freedom within my body, shedding the weight of self-doubt and embracing a newfound sense of confidence and self-love. The creative energy that permeated the retreat was palpable, igniting a spark within me that continues to burn brightly. In the wake of the retreat, I find myself propelled forward with excitement and clarity in my business endeavors. The confidence I have gained has propelled me to host my first-ever masterclass and create new services that fully encompass the essence of my work. What's most remarkable is that the journey doesn't end with the retreat. Weeks later, I still carry the same sense of confidence and excitement, knowing that my path is unfolding exactly as it should. I am grateful for the journey that brought me to this point and eager for the adventures that lie ahead. The retreat was not just a moment in time but a catalyst for transformation and embodiment and for that, I am profoundly thankful.
Amber S - Tennessee Retreat

It's time to BE bigger in your life & business...

Your liberation & naked truth is a wealth magnet. 

This spiritually-led retreat is for you if you're ready to receive and expand through high-level creation and in-person mentorship.

Are you ready to powerfully connect with your intuition and receive instant clarity to collapse time around creating success and hitting your next massive milestone?  

Welcome to the edge!
Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:


$4,444 USD

  • August 15th check-in: checkout August 18th, 2024
  • Shared sisterhood room experience 
  • payment plan available upon request 


$5,555 USD

  • August 15th check-in: checkout August 18th, 2024
  • King Private Room & Private Ensuite Bathroom
  • payment plan available upon request 


$7k USD

  • August 14th check-in: August 18th checkout
  • VIP dinner with Kyera & Jenny
  • VIP breakfast on the 15th and an intimate group session with Kyera & Jenny
  • 1:1 Strengths Analysis & mentorship session with Jenny before the retreat